Thursday 27 March 2014

Wham Bam a fully assembled LEGO man!

Here is the finished LEGO man arm in all its glory.

I'm happy with the overall arm shape and although its not the best quality I don't feel as though it's bad enough to revisit a second time.

Now to continue with the other arm features.

Revisiting the arm I attempted to clean neaten up the elbow and bicep areas.

Tuesday 25 March 2014

Fighting against my cravings for sleep I pressed on with the arm. The outcome of this endeavor has had questionable outcomes.

The boundary the 'wrist' and 'bicep' part of the arm is quite disappointing but at this point in time I am not getting any great ideas to fix it so I shall press on and come back to fix it later.

I had not the slightest idea of how truly difficult this part would actually be. I'm a little bummed with myself for modelling so inefficiently (considering this is two hours of solid modelling). Hopefully with a little more sleep I'll be able to make sense of the sketch infrastructure that I laid down tonight and finish it up later.

Taking a few observations from the arm piece I can see that it is a very organic shape compared to all the other pieces on the LEGO man. I braced myself for the challenge ahead.

Sunday 23 March 2014

My Lego man assembly is starting to look complete with only the arms left to model.